The Marvels review: Just a bit marvellous

the Marvels posterSo, 2023 is the year I finally started to get bored of the MCU, and I haven’t religiously watched it all as it drops. I still haven’t watched Secret Invasion or the second season of Loki. I think the increasing amount of bad or lackluster content coming out, and the loss of connectivity and direction in the franchise has made it a lot less fun to follow. It feels more like a chore. So when I eventually realized that The Marvels was coming out I decided I should give it a try, but go in with lowered expectations…

The plot

the Marvels group
Destiny’s other children

After Kree leader Dar-Benn opens up unstable wormholes to save her dying planet, Captain Marvels powers become entangled with those of Ms. Marvel and Monica Rambeau. With the three women randomly switching places every time they use their powers; they must work together to stop Dar-Ben from ripping the universe apart.

I really enjoyed the concept of them switching places, it’s something new we haven’t seen before from this kind of film and they had a lot of fun with it, especially in the beginning. The rest of the movie was pretty standard in terms of plot; go to a place fight the villain, go to a new place learn some things. Without the entanglement plot there wouldn’t have been anything particularly interesting about this film so at least they kept it fresh in some way.

The characters

the Marvels carol
What’s she marveling at?

In all honesty, when I saw Captain Marvel (2019) I wasn’t blown away by the character. I thought she was cool and it was exciting to see a female character be so powerful, but personality-wise she came across as a bit bland and uninteresting. A lot of people have unfairly tried to claim this is because Brie Larson can’t act, but if you’ve seen Room (2015) you know that’s not true so I think it was just down to the writing. In this movie I feel like they made her a little more fun and relatable than last time, probably building on what didn’t work before.

There’s also the issue of Carol’s sexuality, which has long been a source of speculation with fans hoping she could be confirmed as gay on screen. Now they don’t go so far as to actually confirm it in this movie but they do strongly hint at it in at least one scene. It’s strong enough to show they are acknowledging it but still disappointingly easy for them to edit out for any countries that might threaten to ban the film for its connotations. As a gay person that just gives me the ick.

the Marvels kamala
Kahn you belive it?

By far the best character in the movie is Kamala Kahn aka Ms Marvel. Though I didn’t particularly rate her show on Disney+ last year, due to its weak story and bad pacing, I did instantly fall in love with Kamala and her family (who are also a big part of this film) so was the most excited to see them again, and they didn’t disappoint. The infectious energy that Kamala brings into the room is just really entertaining because you’re witnessing a fan meet their hero. But it’s not just her fangirling the whole movie, she actually has a lot to bring to the team power-wise, and the emerging mentor/student relationship between her and Carol is intriguing to watch.

Of course, it was also great to see Monica back from Wandavision – still my favourite MCU show – with the powers she gained on that show now fully formed. I’m not sure we learned all that much about her as a character than we already knew unfortunately, she mostly just served as part of Carol’s character arc, but they have definitely built up somewhere for her to go in the future.

The villain

the Marvels dar-benn
She’s totally hammered

The most disappointing thing about this movie was by far its villain Dar-Benn. I think Zawe Ashton did the best she could, but the material wasn’t there. I found her motivation quite interesting, wanting to save her homeland from annihilation, which made her somewhat sympathetic. However, her actions often didn’t live up to that setup and she just reverted to a villain doing villainous things. She came across as very generic, not bringing anything unique visually or characteristically to the MCU. She’s a villain that I think will be easily forgotten as the years go by.

The Universe

the Marvels aladna
It’s important to do some morning stretches

One thing about a movie set in a giant shared universe is that it has to bring something new to expand on that world. I’m not sure they totally succeeded in that regard. This was a space movie so they visited a lot of planets, but few of them were very unique to this movie despite looking quite nice. The best bit of world-building they did was with the musical planet Aladna, where their language is song. Was this concept a bit silly, yes a little, but after Thor: Love and Thunder, I won’t complain too much about a short musical section even if I didn’t love it. This planet however had the best production and costume design of the movie, with lots of bright colours that popped on screen and physical sets that really make a difference when you’re used to seeing people walk around in CGI.

In terms of the interconnected world of the MCU, this is actually the most connected it’s felt in a long time. Since Avengers: Endgame (2019) every MCU project has felt very separate with very little crossover and there’s been very little clarity on where the wider story is headed. This is part of what has made it less fun to keep up with the story, as the investment doesn’t seem as worthwhile. This movie is the most connected the world has felt in a while, bringing characters together from movies and 2 shows and building on some new crossovers down the line.

The future

the Marvels confused
When you see the box office for this film…

Going into this movie with low expectations did help me enjoy this movie more than I would have if I had gone expecting a top-tier film. It’s entertaining and has some fun moments but it didn’t wow me, so it’s very middle of the road in terms of rankings.

At this point, Marvel can’t afford to have a movie like that, when people like me are already beginning to lose interest. I’ve already given up on the shows. How long before I give up on the movies too?

The ending of this film gave me some hope that if they have a plan and they focus on making higher-quality material they can breathe some life back into this franchise, but it may already be too late…

Elemental movie review: Some excellent chemistry!

Elemental posterJune was a crazy month for me, so I didn’t get time to see much, let alone review anything. But I was determined to get to the cinema and see a new release, so I got out to see Pixar’s latest offering, Elemental!

I really didn’t know what to expect from this film given the hit and miss nature of Pixar (and Disney in general) recently, and the concept of elemental people living in a city seemed pretty basic. But I ended up very pleasantly surprised by what I saw!


Elemental pair
Water cute pair

When Ember is left in charge of her parent’s shop in Fire Town of Element City, she accidentally causes a water leak which threatens to put them out of business. Along with city water inspector Wade, they must find the source of the leak and save her parent’s shop from being shut down. Along the way the pair develop and unlikely romance despite Ember’s parent’s opposition to elements mixing.

I thought it was going to become a plot where it’s a mystery to find who or what is causing the leak with a grand adventure through the city. However, that plot point was actually more just a catalyst for the real focus of the movie which is exploring the relationship between Ember and her parents and Ember and Wade. I think that could be a little disappointing for some people, but I did appreciate that it was more character rather than world-building focussed. Whether that lends itself to the big screen or small is another matter.


Speaking of being characters I have to talk about our main characters, Ember and Wade. Each one’s character obviously took the form of the element they’re based on. So, Ember is fire so she has a temper and she ‘flares up’ a lot, whereas Wade is water so he’s a lot more mellow and he cries easily. I think they did a good job not making Ember too angry all the time at the risk of making her unlikable, her temper was always justified if a little unhinged. Wade cried a little bit too often for my taste, but what did work was how his emotions brought about a change in Ember as she learned more about the elements outside of fire.

I really warmed to this family

Ember has the best storyline as she is the lead. She has to come to grips with her parent’s expectations for her versus her feelings for Wade and what she wants for her future, so we really get to know the most, whereas Wade has a lot more tell rather than show for his development. Wade is still a very likable character though because he’s just really lovely and is the kind of supportive and uplifting person that I think a lot of people would like to be with.

The next best characters are Ember’s parents, Bernie and Cinder, as they are the secondary protagonists with their own story to tell. Being refugees who came to element city for a better life, their story is about trying to hold on to their own culture and the things they’ve built while also allowing their daughter to grow beyond what they want for, and it’s some really quite beautiful stuff.

I also have to mention that Wade’s mum, Beook, is played by Catherine O’Hara (whose voice I recognized instantly) so she does an excellent job with the comedy in her voice acting.


Elemental city
Ember is not in her element here

In terms of world-building, I don’t think Element City itself was super creative in terms of design as it was mostly just regular buildings with an elemental theme. However it wasn’t lazy in any way, and it still looked gorgeous.

What was fun about the world though was the way elemental people interacted with it. If Ember breaks a window for example she can pick up the pieces and melt them down to create a new window and replace it. If Wade gets pushed into a fountain he can through the pipes and rise back out the top. You could tell they considered how each element could use their skills as a form of problem-solving which is just a really fun bit of creativity.

It also lent itself to a lot of fun gags throughout the movie. One that made me laugh early on was a blimp carrying air people deflating when the passengers got off but blowing up again when the new lot got on.


This movie actually had a lot more to say than I expected, with its major theme being that of immigration. Because the fire people were not part of the originally established element city, they had to find their own patch to build a community and they therefore rarely mix with the other elements.

Elemental crowd
At least her outfit is fire

I think it was clever to use the fact that fire doesn’t physically mix well with the other elements (it would burn plants and evaporate water for example) to illustrate how immigrant communities often feel outside of and othered by the communities they come to join and that sense of wanting to belong but being unable to integrate.

It also somewhat addresses the financial inequality between immigrant families like Ember’s and more well-off families like Wade’s, and how that affects their choices and paths in life.

It’s heavy stuff on paper, but I think, much like Zootopia did with race, this movie puts out these ideas in a very accessible way. And I hope it will teach the kids (and frankly the adults) watching to be understanding of different communities that surround them.


Elemental hands
A couple with literal chemistry

I think by far my favorite aspect of this movie was the love story between Ember and Wade. It’s the age-old story of two people who shouldn’t be together falling in love against the odds, but cleverly done in the way of two people who literally physically should be opposites.

It’s also one of the most romantic Disney couples I think there’s ever been. Things get pretty steamy (pun absolutely intended) between the two and it’s very tender. I’m also extremely glad they didn’t use the enemies to lovers trope that had been done to death at this point. The pair pretty much like each other from the get go, which means you get more time seeing them together developing the connection.

The issue

This movie came out in the US a month before it came out here, so we already know it’s a box office bomb and it’s not doing well. Obviously, I’m disappointed because I really liked it but I think it’s down to two factors.

Firstly the ad campaign was not good. The trailer did not convey what this movie is at all. I thought that it was just going to be a knock off Zootopia but with elements, and I had no idea of the deep themes and the heavy focus on romance. And to be honest I barely saw any advertisement for it in the first place.

Elemental bike
Firing on all cylinders

The second problem is streaming. I think (and have been told this by a few people) that most people are just going to wait to watch this film on Disney+. Everyone knows now that everything will eventually show up there so they’re being much more selective about what they pay to go see in cinemas. People have been trained to see Pixar films on streaming as 3 of the last 4 have been released only on Disney+ and the one that wasn’t (Lightyear) was not very good. It’s not just a Pixar problem though as Disney Animation’s last 2 movies have suffered at the box office before finding an audience in streaming. Encanto is the best case scenario as it completely blew up in popularity once it hit Disney+. I’m hoping for an Encanto situation with Elemental because I know people are going to love this movie when they give it a chance.

If you fancy seeing a great animated movie in the cinema then I’d definitely recommend going to see this one. Equally, please give it a watch when it comes out in Disney+ (probably in about a months time) because it really is worth your time. I’ll definitely be watching it again!

The Little Mermaid review: An acceptable remake

The Little mermaid posterWhile many are firmly opposed to the trend of Disney remaking all of their old animated movies in live-action, I am more lukewarm about it. while I don’t want or feel they need to be remade, I accept that they are and some of them actually end up being good. As much as I hated Beauty and the Beast (2017) and The Lion King (2019), I enjoyed Aladdin (2019) and Cinderella (2015). And so, in the run-up to The Little Mermaid (2023) coming out, I was nervous about which way the dial would turn this time.

The plot

The Little mermaid beach
Beach please!

If you don’t already know, the film follows Ariel, a mermaid who is obsessed with the Land. Despite being forbidden to go to the surface by her father she continues to collect human trinkets and learn all she can about the world above. After saving a human from drowning and falling in love, she visits the sea witch Ursula and exchanges her voice for the chance to become human.

This being a remake, the story is the same as the original. There are not really any major changes to the story to speak of, just a little addition to Ursula’s spell that has a small impact on the romance. This change, while random and unnecessary, wasn’t destructive at all to the plot so I can understand and live with it. I’m actually surprised they didn’t try and meddle with the plot more in the name of empowerment, as the original has long been criticized for being bad for young girls.

Would I have liked it if they had made a dramatic change to the story? I’m not sure, but I would have respected it for not being straight-up remake. I’m still in the camp of not needing the classics remade.


One of the biggest talking points about this film was of course the casting of Halle Bailey as Ariel. Casting someone who does not look like the original version of the character, and changing the character’s race, became very controversial, which put a lot of pressure on Bailey to prove that she deserved to have the part. Luckily, I believe she did.

The Little mermaid ariel
Isn’t it neat!

Ariel is a hard part to adapt because she’s extremely naive and fairly passive, so it’s hard to take that and make it palatable for modern audiences, especially women and young girls, while not deviating too much from the source material. I think Bailey was really good at capturing that innocence and sweetness of Ariel, but didn’t come across as stupid. She was still very assertive and had a strength to her, but through a lease of childlike glee that I feel perfectly captures Ariel.

I think this is a lesson in unconventional casting working better than the more superficial choices. Thinking back on how much I disliked Emma Watson as Belle I can see that they went for the obvious choice; she’s brunette and she’s a feminist so she’s perfect for Belle, but they didn’t take into account that she couldn’t act or, more crucially, sing the role very well. Halle Bailey may not have been the most obvious choice for Ariel but she got the character down perfectly, and I’m so glad they chose her.


The Little mermaid sebastian
Don’t be so crabby!

While Bailey as Ariel was the big stand out from the movie I also really enjoyed Daveed Diggs’ voicework as Sebastian. He had most of the funniest parts as the comic relief side character, but also did really great in the musical numbers. I also enjoyed the dynamic he had with Awkwafina as Scuttle, who I was surprised I enjoyed just as much.

I wasn’t mad about Johan Hauer-King as Prince Eric. I think he did an ok job, but was a bit bland and forgettable to me, especially opposite the inspired casting of Bailey. But I suppose the original Eric was never really that interesting to begin with, and they at least tried to give him more of a motivation and a story arc this time. He also had much stronger chemistry with Ariel this time around.

The Little mermaid ursula
Body language!!

I really wanted to love Melissa McCarthy as Ursula but I think she was ultimately poorly cast as the villain. She wasn’t horrendous but some of her choices were not great. She was trying to be really hammy and over the top, which is great, but they she didn’t go far enough and it felt lackluster. There were no exaggerated villainous laughs or maniacal screams. Ultimately it ended up just feeling like someone doing a poor impression of the animated Ursula rather than making the character her own.

The absolute worst part of the movie for me, however, was Javier Bardem as King Triton. Every line he delivered felt like he was reading it off a cue card with zero emotion and commitment to the role. It was so phoned in, which was so jarring when everyone else was at least trying to give their all to such iconic characters.


When going from hand-drawn animation from the 90s to modern day technologies, you’d expect there to be some difference, and hopefully some improvement in the visuals of the film.

The Little mermaid under sea
Looking for Nemo?

I’ve always been a big lover of fish and the oceans since I was very little, so I was really hoping that the underwater sequences would make me happy, and they really did. All the colours and the scenery in the ocean sequences, particularly during Under the Sea, were so lush and vibrant. It was so magical and filled me with wonder, which is just what a fairytale should do.

The on land visuals were not as strong, but still had a great fantasy style that they mixed in heavy Caribbean reference with to make the kingdom seem more rooted in that culture than just a generic European fairytale setting.

I was a little disappointed with the costuming of the film. Ariel only really wore one dress for the whole film, which was pretty but not very exciting. There are some iconic Ariel outfits that I was excited to see interpreted in live-action that weren’t used at all. I think Colleen Atwood tends to create more historical outfits for her fantasy movies, like she did with Into the Woods for example. Whereas I prefer the approach of someone like Sandy Powell, who created over the top, colourful fantasy dresses for Cinderella (2015), which are to this day some of my favourite movie costumes.


The Little mermaid boat
Goin’ down the bayou

The Little Mermaid has one of the most iconic Disney soundtracks, so I was really nervous about how new versions of the songs would come out; especially as most of the other live-action remakes haven’t done that great a job.
While nothing will ever compare to the originals, I do think they did a good job with the soundtrack. They didn’t do anything to egregiously bad to change the songs but they gave them new arrangements and things to make them new enough. I’ve been listening to the soundtrack and enjoying it.

The new songs I don’t think work as well but that may just be because I’m not as used to them. I don’t think Jonah Hauer-King’s voice worked for the solo they gave him and it sounded very strained. Awkwafina also got her own rap song which I found a little excruciating to get through. I do however like the new solo song they gave Ariel, but that’s because Halle has the most beautiful voice and every song she’s featured in sounds divine for that reason.

Do I think we needed another version of the mermaid? No. Am I happy with the one we got? Absolutely. There are some really good things about this movie that cancel out the lower-quality parts. I will always prefer the original, but this version doesn’t tarnish it in any way. I’m quite happy to have both to live happily alongside each other. Most importantly, I’m excited to see Halle Bailey get more opportunities to share her remarkable talent. I can’t wait to see her in The Color Purple this Christmas!

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 review: A very satisfying end

Guardians 3 posterIt’s been a long time coming! Through firings and rehirings and making DC movies instead, James Gunn has finally finished the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy he kicked off for the MCU way back in 2014. But in an Era where Marvel fatigue is setting in and projects are dipping in quality, has he managed to keep the franchise at the high standard he set for it or has it come to a whimpering end?


Guardians 3 team
The new uniforms weren’t as comfy as they expected

After an attack by Adam Warlock (sent by the evil genetic scientist The High Evolutionary) leaves Rocket close to death, the guardians must find the key to his mysterious genetics to save his life. We also discover Rocket’s origins as a creation by The High Evolutionary during his quest to create a more perfect world filled with perfect beings.

Whereas the previous two Guardians films focused on Peter Quill’s backstory and character development, I like that they decided to branch out and focus on one of the other guardians this time (even though Quill is very much still the main character). This was especially exciting because Rocket’s life had really been a mystery up until this point, so it gave us something to build from while keeping things feeling new and fresh. We also get a few revelations that tie this new story back up to the previous entries as well as new character choices that together serve to bring the trilogy to a satisfying close.


All the characters are consistent with how we came to know them in the previous 2 movies, so there are no real major changes in characterization abate from one character who I’ll get to.

Guardians 3 cat
Turns out Gamora’s not a cat person

As problematic as Chris Pratt may be to some people with his ultra-religious and conservative private life, I cannot deny that he continues to just be really good at movies, with both this and Super Mario back-to-back and Jurassic World last year, being super enjoyable for me. As I said, despite this being a movie about Rockets, Quill/ Star Lord is still the main character as Rocket does spend a lot of the movie unconscious. And rightfully so because as a lead he brings such charisma and humanity to the team. I also didn’t like the way that they kind of made fun of Star Lord and infantilised him a bit in the last Avengers, movie so it was nice to see him as a more 3-dimensional character once more.

The big change in character was with Gamora, as she was technically a different character. After the original Gamora was killed in Avengers: Infinity War and an alternative timeline brought in a new Gamora that never joined the Guardians in Avengers: Endgame, we have to follow this new Gamora as she finds her place in a team that remembers her in a way she doesn’t know herself. I’ve always loved Zoe Saldana in this role, and while I loved her as the old Gamora, I really appreciated what she brought to this new, more aggressive version of the character, and she managed to differentiate the two with her performance. They also could have very easily found a way to just reboot her memories and bring back the old version but I appreciate that they didn’t do that and committed to her new journey as this character.

Everyone else was just as entertaining as ever. The only thing I didn’t enjoy was the new design of Groot. While I eventually got used to it, I still don’t like how cartoony he looked, almost an action figure, which I think is a particular creative choice, but not one I personally liked.


Guardians 3 high evolutionary
Gotta hand it to him, he gets to the point

The High Evolutionary (Chukwudi Iwuji) was horrible! But I mean that in a good way. He was a character with not an ounce of empathy or goodness in him, who committed unspeakable acts through the course of this film. I think in a time where most movie villains have a little bit of empathy or relatable (which does usually make them interesting), it’s good to also have one that is just truly awful, because that makes him scary. He was also wildly emotional, which made his reactions and therefore his actions escalate, which upped the tension as the movie progressed.

One of the secondary villains of the film was Adam Warlock (Will Poulter), a character that people have been wanting to see in the MCU for years. As a character, I think he was well done. He had basically just been born, as he was just created by Ayesha and the High Evolutionary, so he had this childlike naivety that created great comedy that really fits in with Guardians’ sensibilities. But he was also really powerful and a genuine threat. I think he was sadly underutilized here though. He really didn’t serve a purpose outside of inciting the initial conflict, and then he just kind of stuck around for the rest of the movie doing not much. It felt like he was there because he’s supposed to be an important character, rather than actually being important to this story. But the silver lining is this is Marvel, where everyone comes back in other projects. So I’m sure there’ll be more time to get to know him properly and have him be a part of his own story later on.


Guardians 3 rocket
I know why the caged Rocket sings

This movie was very dark! While the last two Guardians films had deep emotional moments, they were overall very light hearted and fun; so I think it will come as a surprise to people just how dark it is. Now don’t get me wrong there is a lot of comedy and silly moments, it’s not a complete 180, but it goes very heavy on some quite harrowing imagery, particularly around the theme of animal cruelty. There’s one scene in particular that left me thoroughly shaken.

After Thor: Love and Thunder and other recent comedies like She-Hulk left me feeling disinterested in an MCU that wasn’t taking itself seriously, I obviously much prefer this approach. Because James Gunn managed to balance out his more typical silly comedy stylings with a more deep meaningful story, something Taika Waititi did not manage to do with Thor. The only issue I see is rewatchability, as I already see people saying it was too sad for them to go back and sit through it again, no matter how good they thought the film was.


Guardians 3 smoke
Spitting fire on the tracks

I’m the previous 2 Guardians films, the soundtrack has been a huge selling point and was sort of a character in its own right. The soundtracks stuck rigidly to 70s music played through cassette that the characters themselves were hearing along with the audience, which gave a unique twist to the sci-fi genre. I think it’s safe to say that it’s a key ingredient of what made this brand so popular in the first place.

In this movie however, they switch to a Zune mp3 player which played songs spanning up to the 2000s. While a lot of the songs are great, I think having that range did lose a little bit of the franchise’s identity and I didn’t feel like they all blended in as seamlessly with the action on screen as previous films had, apart from a couple of exceptions.

This was of course James Gunn’s last Guardians of the Galaxy movie, so it was very much set up to be an ending, which it ends up being, quite satisfyingly so. Despite this, the door is very much left open for the Guardians to return, as everything is always left with Marvel. Of course, if they do return it will be with a new lineup as a lot of this cast have stated that they don’t want to come back.

I would like to see the Guardians come back in some capacity in the future, but I think they should hit pause a bit to give this film some time to breathe as a conclusion to the trilogy. Then they can come back with a fresh creative team behind them to take them in a new direction.

The Super Mario Bros Movie Review: Just a bit of silly fun

Super Mario Movie PosterI’ve always been quite a big fan of Nintendo games (particularly when I was in my teens), so I’ve always wondered how or even if the games would translate into my other love, movies. After the Pokemon: Detective Pikachu film did quite well, It seemed only a matter of time before Nintendo got their flagship franchise, Super Mario Bros turned into a movie too. Ever since it was announced I’ve been eager to see how they would bring the beloved games onto the big screen.


Super Mario Movie bros
Don’t think they’ve grasped the concept of a high 5

The movie follows Brooklyn plumbers Mario & Luigi, who while on a job trying to fix a water leak, get sucked through a mysterious green pipe into a magical world, but are separated on the journey. Luigi ends up captured by the evil Bowser, who is intent on conquering all the kingdoms in the world. Mario ends up in the mushroom kingdom, Bowser’s next target, and teams up with the kingdom’s ruler, Princess Peach, to build an army to stop him and rescue his brother.

Most of the Super Mario games don’t have that strong a plot, it’s usually just going from place to place defeating enemies, and collecting stars until you get to the final boss at the end. So, they didn’t have a lot to work off of when translating it to the screen, which is possibly why the screenplay is by far the weakest part of the film. Things just tend to happen because they need to, to advance the plot, with very little reasoning. For example, Mario meets Peach, they say about 4 words to one another and immediately decide to go on a quest together, despite there being absolutely no reason for her to take him other than the fact that she has to because it’s his movie. It’s very much going through the motions of an adventure story, and adding in things from the games, (like them all suddenly riding karts from Mariokart because they needed to include it) without going any deeper.


Super Mario Movie walk
Mushroom Roads, take me home

When they announced the voice cast for this movie, featuring every character being voiced by a celebrity, I like many wept for the art of voice acting. Now obviously, the voices from the games are quite cartoony and probably would get grating for an entire movie, however, there doesn’t seem to be much of an attempt from most of the actors to do anything different with their voices. Mario just sounds like Chris Pratt and Peach sounds like Anya Taylor-Joy with an American accent. It’s just a shame because the characters all look great, the voices just don’t match what you’d expect from them. The worst one by far to me was Seth Rogan as Donkey Kong (complete with Seth Rohan laugh) which was just the biggest mismatch in energy ever.

Apart from the terrible voices though, I do feel the characters were all lifted very well from the games in their writing. Anyone who’s played a Super Mario game will recognize these characters. Mario is the energetic hero, Luigi the scaredy cat etc. the only major change was making Peach lean more into more of a girl boss trope than the damsel in distress she traditionally is in the games (which they have also somewhat moved away from in the games in recent years). While I understand the reasoning behind this is to make sure little girls watching can feel empowered by the only female character on screen, I’m getting really bored of this trope. When every female lead is an impossibly skilled badass girl boss, they all start to blend into one and become less original, and it does a disservice to all of them. Peach should feel original, she’s been around since the 80s, I’d have liked to see her as a stronger character without becoming generic.


Super Mario Movie kingdom
This is a great platform for Mario

While this film lacks in story and voice acting it does excel in two other areas, the first being its animation. Illumination has its own unique style of animation as a studio (see Despicable Me or Sing), so I was a little nervous how that would work with a world that already has an established animated look. I think they did a really good job making the world and the characters look recognizable to how they are in the games, without also just copy and pasting from the source material, which they could easily have done. Both styles were blended and more detail was added to make the world more cinematic but familiar.

I also just love the vibrancy of the colour palette of the visuals. It would be very easy to go for a realistic approach but the Mario world has always been bright and cartoony so they took that and ran, and we’re all the better for it. Even if you’re not enjoying what’s going on on screen, you can’t deny that it looks gorgeous.


Super Mario Movie kart
Add to kart

I also very much appreciated the tone of the movie. It’s important to have a tone that is consistent across a franchise, which is why I’ve been critical of Marvel becoming too silly as of late, but here silliness is just what is needed.
Super Mario is not a franchise that needs to be taken overly seriously, it’s always been cartoony and fun. Going into this film, I expected a lighthearted comedic tone and that’s what I got. And it was for the most part, very funny. A lot of the jokes really landed and I think it really hit the nail of being entertaining for everyone.

I can see it not being everyone’s cup of tea, and not wanting something overly goofy. But go in expecting it and I think it’s a much more enjoyable watch.

Game to screen

Super Mario Movie star
Twinkle Twinkle Super Star

I think the elephant in the room is whether you can successfully adapt a video game to the screen. For a long time, it seemed impossible because you’re taking the audience from an active to a passive role, which lessens enjoyment. But with recent success in adaptations like The Last Of Us, I think it depends on what’s being adapted. That was a game that had a strong cinematic plot to build off of, whereas (as I mentioned before) Super Mario doesn’t really have that. So I just don’t think it’s a game that can be adapted overly successfully. Yes, I think they could have written and cast it better, but this is probably about as good as we could get for a Mario movie.

I think most of the enjoyment for fans like myself is seeing the characters and the world on screen and all the little references, both visual and audible, to the games themselves. So I was happy enough with what we got.


Super Mario Movie peach toad
Choose your fighter

I think they definitely want to make this into a series of movies, especially as there were loads of popular characters from the games that did not appear in this film, like Daisy, Yoshi and Wario. I don’t know if they’d have a strong enough story to make a sequel, based on the lackluster nature of this one, but they clearly wanted to save something for another installment.

Personally, I’d happily see another one of these movies, because I had fun watching this one. And I think they can definitely do things to improve on what they’ve built here.

I guess it just depends on how successful this film becomes. I’ve already seen massively mixed reviews from both critics and audiences, so we’ll see what happens. Whatever does happen wih movies though, they will continue to make the games and make plenty of money doing so. So Mario is gonna be ok.

Oscars 2023 winners reaction

I’m home from my holiday and ready to talk about the Oscars. I didn’t get to watch them live, but I managed to catch up the next day with all the winners, the speeches and the big flashy moments. So here are my thoughts about the winners and how they match up with what I thought was gonna happen.

Best Picture

My Prediction: Everything Everywhere All At Once

Winner: Everything Everywhere All At Once

Oscars 2023 BPI remember when I saw this movie last year, I immediately fell in love with it. it was everything I love about movies; it was fun, it was emotional, it was well acted, and it had a good message. I wasn’t sure it was going to actually get this kind of attention, so to see it not only win Best Picture but to have one of the biggest Oscars sweeps in recent history was really special. You can see how much people both in and out of the industry really warmed to this movie and just wanted to give it everything. And as I said in my predictions, because quality is so subjective, I think Best Picture should represent where cinema and culture is in that year. This is one of the few winners recently that I think correctly does that.

Best Director

My Prediction: Daniel Kwan & Daniel Scheinert – Everything Everywhere All At Once

Winner: Daniel Kwan & Daniel Scheinert – Everything Everywhere All At Once

Oscars 2023 directorOf course, Best Picture and Director usually go hand in hand (it’s uncommon for a film to not win both) because directors have so much ownership over how the movie turns. The Daniel’s just had the most unique vision and style to the directing, compared to the other nominees, you can’t love this movie and not accredit it to them. Well deserved.

Best Actor

My Prediction: Brendan Fraser – The Whale

Winner: Brendan Fraser – The Whale

Oscars 2023 fraserWell, my total stab in the dark between the two frontrunners paid off. I’m personally glad that this performance won, because it just touched me more than Austin Butler’s more flashy performance did. Though they were both very heavy ‘Oscar Bait’ performances, I think the decision came from the industry wanting to recognise the decades of work that Fraser has done, and wanting to acknowledge/apologize for the way he was treated for many years. Whereas Butler’s nomination is going to propel him as a star on the rise (and he will certainly have more chances to win), a win for Fraser is like an olive branch to welcome him back into the industry and acknowledge him as the star he could have been all along. I think we’ll be seeing a lot more of him in the coming years.

 Best Actress

My Prediction: Cate Blanchett – Tár

Winner: Michelle Yeoh – Everything Everywhere All At Once

Oscars 2023 yeohI am so unbelievably happy that Michelle Yeoh won this Oscar, and annoyed at myself for giving into doubt and betting against her. This win is such a historic one for diversity, as he first Asian Best Actress winner and only the second woman of colour. But apart from all that, Yeoh is just an international legend, who has never been properly recognized and it really was her time.

While Cate Blanchett was incredible as always in Tár, I don’t think Lydia Tár will define her career that way that Evelyn Wang will define Yeoh’s. Yeoh did stunt work, comedy and powerful emotion, carrying a Best Picture winning film on her shoulders. It’s such a special moment to see that be acknowledged, and I think we’ll always remember it.

Best Supporting Actor

My Prediction: Key Huy Quan – Everything Everywhere All At Once

Winner: Key Huy Quan – Everything Everywhere All At Once

Oscars 2023 quanThis was a forgone conclusion but still such a beautiful moment. The joy and emotion Ke Huy Quan exhibited when winning this award was so special, and the way he bounced around backstage with giddy delight afterwards. He had very similar narrative to Brandan Fraser in that he went away for a while and was rewarded for a big comeback. However, Quan’s disappearance was not through any kind of event but through a lack of roles simply because of his race. So, this win is a positive symbolisation of the changing landscape of casting within the industry, as well as the kinds of movies being made.

Best Supporting Actress

My Prediction: Jamie Lee Curtis – Everything Everywhere All At Once

Winner: Jamie Lee Curtis – Everything Everywhere All At Once

Oscars 2023 curtisEven though I predicted this I was still surprised. This category was almost impossible to call, because it was so stacked with talent. A lot of people are mad that Stephanie Hsu or Angela Bassett didn’t win, and I do agree that I would have chosen one of them over Curtis’ performance, because they were simply stronger. However, we have to remember that actors vote for actors and that Curtis is just as much of an icon as Michelle Yeoh, who has also never been recognised by the academy. She is clearly beloved by so many people (including myself) that they saw this as their opportunity to give her those flowers for her lifetime of work and legacy. Yes, it’s a shame that they didn’t feel that way about Bassett, and there’s definitely a discussion to be had about why that is, but it’s not Curtis’ fault she won. Seeing how surprised she was and how grateful she is, it’s impossible for me not to feel happy for her in this moment.

Best Original Screenplay

My Prediction: The Banshees of Inisherin

Winner: Everything Everywhere All At Once

95th Academy Awards - Show

Obviously, the academy loved EEAAO, and it makes sense for Best Picture to also win Screenplay, so this shouldn’t be a surprise to me but it still is. The Daniel’s were winning director so they didn’t really need to win for their writing as well, plus going into awards season Banshees was one of the more lauded films, considered neck and neck with EEAAO by many. So, the fact that Banshees went away with absolutely 0 Oscars is wild to me. I felt for sure this would be the category it would pick up. But at least the BAFTAs loved it.

Best Adapted Screenplay

My Prediction: Women Talking

Winner: Women Talking

Oscars 2023 polleyAfter being snubbed at the BAFTAs, this really was the redemption story that Sarah Polley needed for Woman Talking, and she deserved it. When I saw this movie, I thought it must be based on a play, because it was so perfectly scripted and was laid out like that visually. But come to find out it’s based on a Novel, and it’s so impressive to me that she took that long-form prose and translated it so perfectly for the screenplay. It’s also a heavy movie with a lot to say about, women, assault and forgiveness in the realm of religion, that it needed a tight script to really get all its points across in a poignant yet still artistic way, and that’s what Polley did.

Best Animated Feature

My Prediction: Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio

Winner: Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio

Oscars 2023 pinocchioThis was obvious, and I don’t really have much to say bout the film that I haven’t already said about it. I think it was great and it deserved it. Del Toro now has 3 different Oscars in all different categories (Producing, Directing and Animation), which does go to show what a creative talent he is, and I think he’s rightfully going to be remembered as an icon of the movie industry for years to come.

Best International Feature

My Prediction: All Quiet on the Western Front

Winner: All Quiet on the Western Front

Oscars 2023 all quietAnother unsurprising but well-deserved win. It was clear this was going to win when it was nominated so many other places, and it also ended up as the second most awarded film of the night with 3 other wins. It’s quite an achievement considering this book was already adapted into a Best Picture winning film way back 1930. The story has only gained more context in the time since that version was released, and the world has changed so much that telling the story from a new perspective, with new technologies brought it back into relevancy.

Best Costume Design

My Prediction: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Winner: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Oscars 2023 carterI loved Ruth E. Carter’s designs for both Black Panther films, and so I’m very glad the academy decided to recognise her talent again rather than award something more conventional. But what’s actually really significant is that with this award, Carter has become the first black woman EVER to win 2 Oscars, which is something I genuinely did not believe until I fact-checked it. so not only is she an icon and a legend, she’s also a trailblazer.

Best Makeup and Hairstyling

My Prediction: Elvis

Winner: The Whale

Oscars 2023 makeupI guess I shouldn’t be surprised that they went for the giant prosthetic fat suit for the win in this category, as the academy has been obsessed with awarding prosthetics in recent years, and kind of ignoring hair altogether. This is now the second year in a row that one of my favourite films of the season won the acting plus makeup combo without a Best Picture nomination, after The Eyes of Tammy Faye last year. And on that subject, it’s kind of wild to me that The Whale managed to win 2 Oscars, whereas Tár, Banshees and The Fabelmans all went home with nothing.

Best Original Score

My Prediction: Babylon

Winner: All Quiet on the Western Front

Oscars 2023 scoreIn hindsight, I should have bet on All Quiet on the Western Front considering its traction going into the Oscars, but honestly, though I liked the music, it wasn’t what stood out about the film to me. I said I would have given it to EEAAO and I stand by that, but I guess that film won enough already. The upside of my prediction being wrong is that I now feel no obligation to ever watch Babylon, as part of my Oscars completionist mission.

Best Original Song

My Prediction: Naatu Naatu – RRR

Winner: Naatu Naatu – RRR

Oscars 2023 naatuWatch the performance of Naatu Naatu they did at the Oscars and try and tell someone it didn’t deserve to win this award. The house was brought down with energy and enthusiasm l, and that’s exactly what a great movie song should do! The only performance that really came close with impact was Lady Gaga’s, as she paired herself down with a no-makeup and jeans look. But it’s not her best song to be honest and she’s already got her Oscar. In a night of firsts, it’s also cool to note that Naatu Naatu is the first song from an Indian fil to win an Oscar, which is honestly surprising considering how many musical films come out of the country. It shows the increased accessibility of international films to the Oscars that had been building in the last decade.


I really enjoyed the awards season this year. I genuinely really liked most of the films nominated and every awards show seemed to do something different with a lot of the categories, meaning there was less predictability than usual right up until the end. I think this Oscars will be remembered for having so many historical firsts and for the big Everything Everywhere All At Once sweep. Next year’s season has a lot to live up to.

Oscars 2023 Predictions

This weekend it’s finally time for the 2023 Oscars, and the end of this year’s awards season. Unfortunately for me, I will be away when they air so I probably won’t get to watch them live, but that won’t stop me from predicting who I think will take home the gold, as well as discussing what I think of this year’s nominations.

Best Picture

Nominees: All Quiet on the Western Front, Avatar: The Way of Water, The Banshees of Inisherin, Elvis, Everything Everywhere All At Once, The Fabelmans, Tár, Top Gun: Maverick, Triangle of Sadness, Women Talking

Everything_Everywhere_All_at_OnceAt the beginning of awards season, it was thought that Everything Everywhere All At Once was the front-runner, but then it missed a couple of major awards, namely the Golden Globe and BAFTA. However in recent weeks it’s been clearing up award after award, so I think it’s safe to say that it’s back on top to take home Best Picture. I think it should, it’s a brilliant film with the box office to back it up and it reflects the current landscape of cinema as well as pop culture, with its themes and its cast.

The one movie people cite as a potential upset is The Banshees of Inisherin, but that couldn’t even win Best Film that eh BAFTAs as a ‘British’ film (yes I know its Irish but that’s how they categorized it). The Fabelmans won at the Golden Globes but hasn’t really won anywhere else, and All Quiet on the Western Front won at the BAFTAs, but they seemed to be obsessed with it in a way that the American industry is not. All Quiet has maybe the biggest chance of an upset.

Best Director

Nominees: Daniel Kwan & Daniel Scheinert – Everything Everywhere All At Once, Todd Field  – Tár, Martin McDonagh – The Banshees of Inisherin, Ruben Östlund – Triangle of Sadness, Steven Spielberg – The Fabelmans

The Daniels EEAAOMuch like their movie, the Daniels have been sweeping the recent director awards and seem to be a shoe-in to win here, and it would be well deserved. The BAFTA winner isn’t nominated here and Speilberg won the Golden Globe, but I feel like that was based more on his celebrity than anything else. The Fabelmans is a great film, but it isn’t better than anything else he’s already won an Oscar for.

Best Actor

Nominees: Austin Butler – Elvis, Colin Farrell – The Banshees of Inisherin, Brendan Fraser – The Whale, Paul Mescal – Aftersun, Bill Nighy  – Living

brendan fraser the whaleThis is a tough one to call, as it’s been flip-flopping between Austin Butler and Brendan Fraser, with both winning multiple Best Actor awards. They both also have different narratives that have won in the past. Butler is a big flashy breakout performance, and Fraser if a working actor who’s struggled in Hollywood and is now making a comeback.

In the absence of knowing which way it’s going to go, I’ll choose who I would give it to, which is Brendan Fraser. The Whale is a movie that made me cry all the way home from the cinema, in a good way. It resonated with me, and a big part of that was Fraser’s performance.

I know some people have issues with him wearing a fat suit and the negativity around being overweight. There is definitely a wider conversation to be had around that. While I appreciate those criticisms, and I think they’re valid, personally I don’t think they should take away from the performance Fraser gives, which is a fully rounded character and not just a stereotype or a mockery.

Best Actress

Nominees: Cate Blanchett – Tár, Ana de Armas – Blonde, Andrea Riseborough – To Leslie Michelle Williams – The Fabelmans, Michelle Yeoh – Everything Everywhere All At Once

I could write a whole article about this category, because when the nominations came out I was very angry.

You may already be aware of the Andrea Riseborough situation, but here’s a rundown. She was not nominated in any major precursor awards (bar independent spirit), she had not been on the campaign trail like all her fellow nominees and To Leslie is a movie that came out last march; barely anyone saw it. In the week of Oscar nomination voting, she or her team decided they wanted a nomination, so they called in favours from all her famous (predominantly white) friends to suddenly talk about how amazing the film was and how she deserves it, as well as setting up private screenings. And she got it.

Now, this would be a genius move if not for the fact that there are two black women, Viola Davis and Daniele Deadwyler, who had been nominated almost everywhere else, and if not for Riseborough, one of them would have been here. Now Michelle Yeoh is the only woman of colour in a category that could have had three. You can call it identity politics all you want, but to me, this highlights how black women can do everything right, but white talent will always be favoured by the academy, even when they swoop in at the last moment.

Cate Blanchett TarBecause of this apparent white bias, and the fact that she was picking up lots of awards, including BAFTA and Critics Choice, meant that I was certain Cate Blanchett would take this award. Now, I’ve said it a million times, I am a Blanchett Stan. She’s more than deserving of three Oscars, and I loved her performance in Tár. However, Michelle Yeoh has been an icon for so many years without the recognition she deserves, and it really feels like it’s her time. She has been making a recent comeback, beating Cate at both the SAG and independent spirit awards, meaning the race is now neck and neck. I’m not ready to put all my eggs in the Yeoh basket and risk disappointment so my head is saying this is still Blanchett’s to lose.

Best Supporting Actor

Nominees: Brendan Gleeson – The Banshees of Inisherin, Bryan Tyree Henry – Causeway, Judd Hirsch – The Fabelmans, Barry Keoghan – The Banshees of Inisherin, Key Huy Quan – Everything Everywhere All At Once

Key Huy Quan EverythingWhere Best Actor and Actress are still up in the air, it’s a foregone conclusion that Key Huy Quan is winning Supporting Actor. He’s cleaned up everywhere besides BAFTA (which was weird) and has the best awards narrative of the year. Having left Hollywood due to the lack of roles for Asian actors, and coming back for a film with a predominantly Asian cast, that made lots of money and is probably going to win Best Picture. All his speeches have been so beautiful and he’s gotten so much love, it would actually be quite depressing if he didn’t win.

Best Supporting Actress

Nominees: Angela Bassett – Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Hong Chau – The Whale, Kerry Condon – The Banshees of Inisherin, Jamie Lee Curtis – Everything Everywhere All At Once, Stephanie Hsu – Everything Everywhere All At Once

Jamie Lee Curtis EverythingThis is one of the craziest categories I’ve ever experienced; it seems like someone different is winning it every time. Angela Bassett won Golden Globe and Critics Choice, Kerry Condon won BAFTA, Jamie Lee Curtis won SAG and Stephanie Hsu won at Independent Spirit (although that was a slightly different category). If I went with personal choice, I would say it should go to either Hong Chau or Stephanie Hsu, as they were my favourite performances of the group.

Based on how industry voters have voted id say it’s between Condon and Curtis, and I’m leaning towards Curtis because she also has the narrative of an industry veteran who has never been rewarded before. Although Bassett has that exact same narrative and her performance is objectively much stronger.

Best Original Screenplay

Nominees: The Banshees of Inisherin, Everything Everywhere All At Once, The Fabelmans, Tár, Triangle of Sadness

banshees of inisherinI think this one is firmly between The Banshees of Inisherin and Everything Everywhere All At Once. If they are going to give Best Picture/Director to EEAAO I think they will probably give this award to Banshees so that it goes home with something, especially as the writing is the most impressive part of that film. However, most Best Picture winners also win screenplay so precedent would seem to suggest that EEAAO might take this after all.

Best Adapted Screenplay

Nominees: All Quiet on the Western Front, Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, Living, Top Gun: Maverick, Women Talking

Women TalkingThe screenplay categories are somewhat infamously used as a pseudo-consolation prize for writer-directors (often women and POC) who have no shot at winning Best Director. That’s partly why I expect Martin McDonagh to win Original Screenplay. Because we, unfortunately, have yet another year with no female nominees for Best Director, I feel like the academy will (and should) give Adapted Screenplay to Sarah Polley for Women Talking, which is a beautifully written film that she deserves her flowers for.

Her biggest competition is definitely All Quiet on the Western Front, which was a runaway hit at the BAFTAS, so it depends how much this academy liked that film.

Best Animated Feature

Nominees: Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio, Marcel the Shell with Shoes On, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, The Sea Beast, Turning Red

GDT PinocchioGuillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio Is winning this. It’s swept it at every award, and each time Del Toro gives a passionate speech about animation as an art form, which lends itself totally to an Oscars moment. None of the other films, despite being good, really come close to the level of art and gravitas given to this film, and frankly, it’s refreshing when we have a year where they don’t just blindly give it to Pixar.

Best International Feature

Nominees: All Quiet on the Western Front, Argentina 1985, Close, EO, The Quiet Girl

All quietThere’s a trend in recent years wherein one of the International Feature nominees gets nominated in several other categories, meaning it’s obviously going to win this one. This year that film is All Quiet on the Western Front Which has 9 nominations including Best Picture.

I’d say it’s deserving, though its not that different from any other recent war film I’ve seen. The reason it’s special is the German perspective it offers on the first world war, from a German director, which is a side we don’t often see. I don’t know if it will win as many Oscars as it did BAFTAs as I think proximity to the war in Ukraine has made this film take on a bigger impact for European audiences than it will for the American one, but I think it will certainly walk away with more than one Oscar.

Best Costume Design

Nominees: Babylon, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Elvis, Everything Everywhere All At Once, Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris

BPWF costumesThe first Black Panther won this award because of its beautiful and ground-breaking afro futuristic costumes, so I think it’s fair to say that Ruth Carter could win again for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Not only did she equal the beauty of the original for now Wakandan costumes, but she also had to design a whole new set of looks based on Mesoamerican history for the Talokan characters.

If they don’t want to give it to Carter again, I can see them picking Elvis cos they love period pieces with recreations of iconic looks.

Best Makeup and Hairstyling

Nominees: All Quiet on the Western Front, The Batman, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Elvis, The Whale

Elvis makeupThey tend to usually go for the film with the most prosthetic work in this category in recent years, but this year both Elvis and The Whale have that. I think Elvis has the better shot because it seems to be the film that the Academy liked more, and there are just so many more characters that they had to create in a period style.

Best Original Score

Nominees: All Quiet on the Western Front, Babylon, The Banshees of Inisherin, Everything Everywhere All At Once, The Fabelmans

babylon soundtrackPersonally, I would love this to go to Everything Everywhere All At Once, because I really like the Avant-guard style of Son Lux and how it added to the chaotic nature of the film. However, I think Babylon is going to take it for its catchy 1920’s soundtrack. It’s the one film I haven’t seen, because I wasn’t really that interested in it, so I can’t speak on what it adds to the movie, but it did get stuck in my head when I watched the trailer.

Best Original Song

Nominees: Applause – Tell it like a Woman, Hold MY Hand – Top Gun: Maverick, Lift Me Up – Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Naatu Naatu – RRR, This is a Life – Everything Everywhere All At Once

Naatu_NaatuI’d love Rihanna to take this, because it’s Rihanna, but also because I think Lift Me Up was such a touching tribute to Chadwick Boseman. However, it’s hard to deny the catchiness and fun that Naatu Naatu brings to the table, which is why I think it’s most likely to take it, as they did at the Golden Globes. If they perform it at the ceremony, everyone is going to be having fun.

This is truly quite an unpredictable year in so many categories, with no one really sweeping the season in any category. I’m expecting a few surprises and upsets, which is very exciting, and makes me all the more gutted I’m not going to see it unfold. But when I’m home I will be sure to discuss everything that happens.

Ant Man and The Wasp Quantumania Review: A Mini Meh

Ant Man 3The MCU is back for another year of blockbuster superhero movies, but it seems as if they’re not starting off on the right foot.

I didn’t get to see Ant Man and The Wasp: Quantumania right away, so I had already been exposed to the resoundingly negative reviews it was receiving upon release. So, upon going in with relatively low expectations, here’s what I thought:


Ant man 3 encounter
The green screen is green screening!

The movie follows Ant Man (Paul Rudd) and his relationship with his daughter Cassie (Catherine Newton), who’s life he missed 5 years of as we saw in Endgame. When Cassie builds a device to communicate with the quantum realm (a small universe that exists extremely small within our own) they are accidentally, along with The Wasp (Evangeline Lily), Janet (Michelle Pfeiffer) and Hank Pym (Michael Douglas), shrunk down into the realm. They must then face off against Kang the Conqueror (Jonathan Majors), the sinister ruler who was a secret history with Janet.

This Ant Man movie is a drastic departure from the previous 2 in the trilogy, which were low-stakes heist films that took place around San Francisco. This action-adventure take is somewhat of an upgrade, but at the same time feels kind of like a different set of movies. Personally, I did miss the quaintness of the older movies, but I understand that they wanted to do something bigger (or smaller as the case may be) for what’s probably the last one.


The star of this movie is, of course, Paul Rudd as Ant Man, who is just one of the most likable actors out there. What makes him a good hero, particularly in this villain, is that he’s not driven to be one by ego, or by some grand commitment to justice like other superheroes. He’s someone who just fell into it, and he’s just a normal guy who wants to be a good person, and wants to protect and guide his daughter. He’s relatable as an everyman in a way that other heroes aren’t, and it also helps that he’s pretty funny too.

Ant Man 3 group
One day, an Ant suit for each colour of the rainbow!

Speaking of his daughter, I liked Catherine Newton as the new, older Cassie (even if it meant unceremoniously dumping the last actress who played her). She was this idealistic teenager who wants to be a hero, but they didn’t go too far with it and make her annoying with it. She was the right amount of realistic character-wise, apart from the fact that she was suddenly this brilliant scientific kind that she never was in the other movies. But then again she was about 8 years old back then. I also didn’t love that she had exactly the same powers as her dad and her step-mum, even if she had trouble using them to begin with. We don’t really need three ant people in the MCU, especially in one movie. If they’re going to use her again, I would like to see them make her unique in some way if they can.

What really bothers me is that the movie is Ant Man and the Wasp in name only, because The Wasp has no storyline of her own. She’s there, and she does important things for the plot, but the story has nothing to do with her. She has no journey or development. Her mum holds more importance to the story than she does. I understand that with an ensemble cast, some characters are gonna have more emphasis than others, but if you’re the titular character, it really should be your movie.


Due to his multiversal existence, we were already introduced to kang in another form in the Loki series. However, this was our first big screen, deep dive into him as the new major villain of the MCU, and it was delicious.

Ant Man 3 kang
Taking villain tips from The Lion King

Johnathan Majors was such a compelling force on screen. He was so menacing yet intriguing at the same time. Most of the time he spoke very quietly and calmly but had this aura about him that just put you on edge.

I was concerned about the fact that they chose to give us our first major experience with who is ultimately the new Thanos, in an Ant Man movie. My worry was that the silly tone of the movie would bleed into him as a villain, but it didn’t at all. The only real issue I had with him was that his powers were really badly defined. He seemed to be able to do whatever the script needed him to be able to do. There was a point, for example, when he had the power to freeze one of the main characters in time, but then he never used that ability later on when it would have helped him out.


Ant Man 3 quantum realm
The All Night Rave Realm

When I first saw the trailer for this film I thought it looked really similar to Guardians of the Galaxy in it world building; with bright colours and whacky alien creatures. That bothered me, because I don’t want every marvel film to bleed into each other and become samey, because then where’s the fun in having different movies in the same universe.

Having seen the film, while there is a little bit of overlap, I do feel they did a good job of making the quantum realm feel different from outer space. Everything has this quality of being like a microorganism; the world feels more biological than techno, except for the parts that Kang has overtaken, which gives us that balance between hero and villain.
I don’t have any great desire to go to this world for any other movies, but it was fun enough for one outing.


Ant man 3 force field
Kang has blue balls

The elephant in the room is that I didn’t like Thor: love and thunder because it was way to silly, and on a scale of Thor to Black Panther this was definitely closer to Thor, but it didn’t go all the way. Yes, this movie is quite silly, and there are definitely some characters and moments that were a bit overdone (MODOK is so dumb and I hated it) but I think what saved it was the writing. This movie felt like the jokes and comedic characters were add-ons to a serious story that they were trying to tell, whereas Thor felt like the jokes were more important, and we had to stop every two seconds to tell one and the plot, that could have been really good, was an afterthought.

I just rewatched Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, and I still personally much prefer the more serious tone, to the tone of this film, but that just might be my own taste.


I don’t think this movie deserves to be labelled as one of the worst MCU films. It’s entertaining and creative, it has some fun moments and a great villain. Overall I think it’s fine.

The thing is the MCU can’t afford to be just fine. After the recent swathe of lackluster content coming from the once infallible franchise, people are starting to get tired of it. And I’m afraid I have to include myself in that. They need to start putting out more high-quality movies, or we’ll see the MCU die a slow and painful death, rather than go out on a high.

Golden globes 2023 winners Reaction

Another year of me staying up definitely too late on a weekday to watch the Golden Globes, but also another year of seeing people I love win, and big shocks when some don’t. This year was a fairly predictable one, with a lot of pretty guaranteed winners ahead of the ceremony. However, we also had a few major surprises, at least based on what I thought would happen.

So how well did I predict things this year?

Best Motion Picture – Drama

My Prediction: Avatar: The Way of Water

Winner: The Fabelmans

the FabelmansEverything was going along pretty safely for most of the evening (as you will see most of my predictions were correct) but then all of a sudden, right at the very end The Fabelmans decided to turn up to the party.

This genuinely surprised me. While it’s a movie that a lot of people are enjoying, I’ve not seen many say it’s their best film of the year, more like top 5. There was more interesting choices in this category, artistically or technically and this feels very safe. It’s a movie about making movies. It’s an autobiography. It’s Spielberg! I think he’s got a lot of goodwill with voters, and Hollywood loves movies about themselves.

Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy

My Prediction: Everything Everywhere All At Once

Winner: The Banshees of Inisherin

banshees of inisherinI’m not as shocked with this one, as even though I was sure Everything Everywhere was a lock in for this award, Banshees was the one I did say could potentially beat it. I’m not mad at it, because it was a beautiful movie, but it’s not what I wanted.

Everything Everywhere losing does make me nervous for the rest of the awards calendar. I think there’s a danger that it’s been hyped up too much going into the season so people are starting to turn on it. We’ll have to see how the BAFTAs and the SAGs go but an Oscars sweep is maybe looking less likely sadly.

Best Actor – Drama

My Prediction: Austin Butler – Elvis

Winner: Austin Butler – Elvis

Austin Butler ElvisSome people were shocked by this one, calling it an upset for Brendan Fraser. Obviously, this is what I guessed based on Fraser’s feelings toward the globes so I’m not shocked.

But above that, this really is well deserved. Butler’s performance was so performative and captivated so many people he needs recognition for it. He transformed into Elvis so much that he still sounds like him. He may just be a frontrunner for the Oscar now!

Best Actress – Drama

My Prediction: Cate Blanchett – Tár

Winner: Cate Blanchett – Tár

Cate Blanchett TarNo surprise here. The great Cate keeps on greating. There’s not really much to say about her win because she did an Anthony Hopkins and didn’t turn up. She’s maybe the greatest actress working today, I’ve never not seen her put in a good performance.

The only question now is will she beat Michelle Yeoh for Best Actress in March and get herself a third Oscar. It really is a two-horse race between them at this point.

Best Actor – Musical or Comedy

My Prediction: Colin Farrell – The Banshees of Inisherin

Winner: Colin Farrell – The Banshees of Inisherin

Colin Farrell BansheesBoth comedy lead wins were pretty much guaranteed, this was Farrell’s from the get go. None of the other performances in this category were as notable this year, despite a few of them being very good, and Farrell is the only one getting this kind of attention, and will likely the only one of them nominated at the Oscars. Whether he can win there over the drama leads is another story.

Best Actress – Musical or Comedy

My Prediction: Michelle Yeoh – Everything Everywhere All At Once

Winner: Michelle Yeoh – Everything Everywhere All At Once

Michelle Yeoh EverythingAgain, this was Yeoh’s award from the moment she was nominated. As I’ve said she’s in a two horse race with Blanchett for the Oscar.

This is a long time coming for Yeoh, too long. Her speech highlighted as much, when she talked about her experience coming to Hollywood from Asia and the ignorance she faced, as well as the struggle to get roles and build the career she has now. It really makes you realize how hard she’s worked to get to this moment and what it means to her, and to the people in her community too who see her as this beacon of Asian representation. I hope the Academy were listening!

Best Supporting Actor

My Prediction: Key Huy Quan – Everything Everywhere All At Once

Winner: Key Huy Quan – Everything Everywhere All At Once

Key Huy Quan EverythingKe Huy Quan was the one to beat for this award, even though I did say it could go to Brendan Gleeson. Quan seems to be sweeping this award at every turn so he’s definitely winning the Oscar.

And what makes that so magical is that Stephen Spielberg is in the room every time. It was really beautiful to see him able to thank Spielberg for starting his career as a child in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and to in turn see Spielberg witness that kid he discovered live this moment of glory. It was real life movie magic. And he is going to make people cry for sure at the Oscars.

Best Supporting Actress

My Prediction: Jamie Lee Curtis – Everything Everywhere All At Once

Winner: Angela Bassett – Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

BPWF ocean

This was a pleasant surprise. I discounted Angela Bassett because no one has ever won a major award for a performance in a Marvel movie, because the industry usually dismisses them as lowbrow. But for them to finally acknowledge that some people actually turn in some great performances in superhero movies is a big deal.

On the other hand I’m not sure whether this has more to do with recognizing the genre or the actress. Bassett is someone who is so beloved and who many consider understated by awards bodies, so her lauded performance in both Black Panther films might just be an excuse to give her her flowers, rather than a sign of how these films are going to be viewed in the future.

Best Director

My Prediction: James Cameron – Avatar: The Way of Water

Winner: Steven Spielberg – The Fabelmans

the Fabelmans spielbergThis is where The Fabelmans upset began! While Angela Bassett’s win pleasantly surprised me, this was more of a disappointing shock. I never really enjoy when someone who’s won a bunch of times wins again, because it’s not exciting, but I did predict that someone like that win this with Cameron so I guess I have no leg to stand on. I think the globes really like celebrity, and the incredibly famous Spielberg directing a movie about is own life is such a flashy narrative I see why they picked it for the win.

The film is getting shut out of a few other awards nominations already though, so this may the only place he’s going to come out on top. If that’s the case the. I guess it’s nice for him to get some recognition for it. But I’m still bored.

Best Screenplay

My Prediction: Martin McDonagh – The Banshees of Inisherin

Winner: Martin McDonagh – The Banshees of Inisherin

banshees of inisherinLike I predicted, I guess the golden globes really love scripts about Ireland!

In all seriousness, I think banshees is the most writingest movie in the bunch this season, so this is the award it certainly deserves to sweep.

Best Original Song

My Prediction: Lift Me Up – Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Winner: Naatu Naatu – RRR

Naatu_NaatuI was very close to guessing Naatu Naatu to win because RRR has gotten a lot of buzz. But I assumed that foreign films would not be favored outside of their own category (which RRR did not actually win in). Perhaps I perceived a bias that was not there. I’ll be looking to RRR to receive a few more wins as the season goes on; as well as Germany’s All Quiet on the Western Front, which has started showing up on a few shortlists too.

Best Animated Feature

My Prediction: Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio

Winner: Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio

GDT PinocchioThere was very little competition for Guillermo Del Toro in this category, as Disney didn’t put up much of a fight, so it was an easy win. But that shouldn’t undermine how deserving this film would be of winning in any other year.

I love how Del Toro felt so passionate about animation when he gave a speech, which is nice considering he’s someone who’s made his career in live action films who could easily see the new medium as an experiment rather than have deep respect for it. There seems to be a third Oscar in his future.

TV Wins

On the TV side of things, I was so happy to see Abbott Elementary win so many awards, especially Quinta Brunson for playing the lead, which she lost at the Emmys (although she did win there for writing). I was bummed that neither Sheryl Lee Ralph or Elizabeth Debicki won supporting actress but I’m sure they’ll both still be in the category next year, and this was Julia Garner’s last chance to win for Ozark.

Jennifer Coolidge winning was a such a beautiful moment. Much like Michelle Yeoh, her speech gave such a beautiful portrait of a woman who’s been working for a long time finally getting some recognition. Coolidge is such a lovable person it’s impossible not to be happy for her, and I can’t wait to see what’s next for her with this awards boost.

I also need to say how touching it was for Ryan Murphy, who was being given the Carol Burnett achievement award, to use his speech to not talk about his own achievements but to highlight and praise the LGBTQ+ (particularly POC) talent that he’s worked with and inspire him. Making sure MJ Rodriquez got the ovation that she didn’t get to have when she won and made history last year was a particularly beautiful moment,


So 7 out of 12 correct isn’t as good as I hoped I would fo, but it is exactly the same amount as I got right last year. What this tells me is that the globes continue to be fairly predictable but a little bit wild. I think we’re beginning to see a picture of how the Oscar nominations will shake up next month and at least a few sure fire wins.

Golden Globes 2023 predictions

It’s awards season once again which means it’s time to play my favourite game of guessing who’s going to win.

Despite the scandals that kept the event from being televised last year not having completely gone away, the Golden Globes are back in person again on 10th January. The real question this year is who is actually going to attend the ceremony. But let’s have a look at who’s nominated.

Best Motion Picture – Drama

Nominees: Avatar: The Way of Water, Elvis, The Fabelmans, Tár, Top Gun: Maverick

avatar 2 posterTár is getting a lot of attention this season. It doesn’t come out in the UK until the end of Jan so I can’t speak of my own feelings about it (although I do love me a bit of Cate Blanchett), but I expect this to be a major contender for this category.

However, they might want to go for a film that is more of a crowd-pleaser and a bit flashier, and I think that will be Avatar: The Way of Water. It’s already making loads of money, just like the first one; and back in 2009, this same award went to Avatar over The Hurt Locker, the movie that eventually won Best Picture at the Oscars.

Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy

Nominees: Babylon, The Banshees of Inisherin, Everything Everywhere All At Once, Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, Triangle of Sadness

Everything_Everywhere_All_at_OnceEverything Everywhere All At Once needs to win this. It’s genuinely one of the best movies of the year; equally funny, entertaining and poignant. Everyone else I know who has seen it loved it just as much as I did and the fact that it came out back in March and we’re still talking about it shows how much it blew people away.

If it doesn’t go to Everything Everywhere, it will probably go to The Banshees of Inisherin which is a great movie in its own right. I also wouldn’t be too upset if Glass Onion took it because I also really enjoyed it, but seeing as Knives Out didn’t win, I can’t see the sequel winning either.

Best Actor – Drama

Nominees: Austin Butler – Elvis, Brendan Fraser – The Whale, Hugh Jackman – The Son, Bill Nighy  – Living, Jeremy Pope – The Inspection

Austin Butler ElvisSo this is interesting. If you didn’t know, Brendan Fraser (who many expect to be a major contender with The Whale) has spoken openly about how he was sexually assaulted by the former president of the HFPA (which votes on the Globes) and how he understandably wants nothing to do with this award.

The obvious response is that they won’t give it to him because he doesn’t want it. But I can also see them being kind of tone-deaf and giving it to him as a kind of apology for what happened.

The most likely I think is Austin Butler. I don’t think he’s getting the Oscar but I think he is the most deserving of recognition for how he transformed into Elvis Presley, singing and all.

Best Actress – Drama

Nominees: Cate Blanchett – Tár, Olivia Colman – Empire of Light, Viola Davis – The Woman King, Ana de Armas – Blonde, Michelle Williams – The Fabelmans

Cate Blanchett TarI’m fairly certain that Cate Blanchett is taking this category. It’s being called her greatest performance ever, and this is someone with two Oscars, who is already considered one of the best actresses of all time.

Blanchett is one of my personal favourite actresses, so I’m happy for her to have another award. But I’m really upset that this is the only nomination The Woman King got, so I would quite like Viola Davis to win for that brilliant film to get some recognition.

And I have to say, Ana de Armas getting a nomination for Blonde is so confusing. That movie was so horrendous and insulting I didn’t even finish it. God bless her though, she tried her best with the garbage she was given.

Best Actor – Musical or Comedy

Nominees: Diego Calva – Babylon, Daniel Craig – Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, Adam Driver – White Noise, Colin Farrell – The Banshees of Inisherin, Ralph Fiennes – The Menu

Colin Farrell BansheesThis is another foregone conclusion for me, it’s Colin Farrell’s award to lose. His performance in Banshees is so delicate and heart-warming it really touched me. I’m just not as interested in the idea of any of the other nominees winning and I don’t see it for them. Farrell is also one of those actors that’s been working for so long, and we’re only just starting to appreciate him. I think he’s got a very strong chance at an Oscar, especially if he wins here.

Best Actress – Musical or Comedy

Nominees: Lesley Manville – Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris, Margot Robbie – Babylon, Anya Taylor-Joy – The Menu, Emma Thompson – Good Luck To You, Leo Grande, Michelle Yeoh – Everything Everywhere All At Once

Michelle Yeoh EverythingMichelle Yeoh!

If anyone else takes this I will be genuinely shocked and upset. When the movie came out everyone said, “Michelle Yeoh best actress”, and they’re still saying that because she was incredible. She did emotion, she did comedy, she did action and she played multiple versions of herself, it was everything. She’s been an icon for so long and this awards season is her moment of glory.

Best Supporting Actor

Nominees: Brendan Gleeson – The Banshees of Inisherin, Barry Keoghan – The Banshees of Inisherin, Brad Pitt – Babylon, Key Huy Quan – Everything Everywhere All At Once, Eddie Redmayne – The Good Nurse

Key Huy Quan EverythingI’m torn here, because I feel like it’s between Brendan Gleeson and Key Huy Quan. I feel like you can’t acknowledge Colin Farrell’s performance without recognizing Gleeson as they really were an acting unit. Likewise, Quan did a lot of the same stuff that Michelle Yeoh was doing just in a smaller role, so if she’s going to win (which she will) then he should get the same. Short of there being a tie I’m going to guess at Quan for the win.

Best Supporting Actress

Nominees: Angela Bassett – Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Kerry Condon – The Banshees of Inisherin, Jamie Lee Curtis – Everything Everywhere All At Once, Dolly de Leon – Triangle of Sadness, Carey Mulligan – She Said

This is always a tough category to peg. I’m pleasantly surprised to see Angela Bassett here, but I think it’s unlikely she’ll win. I think it’s between Carey Mulligan and Jamie Lee Curtis.

Jamie Lee Curtis EverythingI’m surprised this is She Said’s only nomination, as it was such a powerful and well put together movie. So I would like them to recognize what Mulligan brought to the table. However, Curtis is having such a career resurgence right now and the Globes love a celebrity, so I think it’s more likely to go her way.

You know, if Everything Everywhere All At Once wins everything everywhere, I’m not going to be mad. I’m just sad that Stephanie Hsu didn’t get a nomination in this category alongside Curtis.

Best Director

Nominees: James Cameron – Avatar: The Way of Water, Daniel Kwan & Daniel Scheinert – Everything Everywhere All At Once, Baz Luhrmann – Elvis, Martin McDonagh – The Banshees of Inisherin, Steven Spielberg – The Fabelmans

James Cameron Avatar 2I think this is probably going to go to James Cameron for the technical feats of Avatar: The Way of Water. just like the first one (which won this award) it has been lauded for its use of technology in Cameron’s directing, and people clearly are just as captivated. Personally, I didn’t feel much of a difference from the first movie so I don’t think he needs to win again.

If it’s not Cameron, it should and would be the Daniels. I’m also disapointed to see no women in this catagory once again, especially after the progress made last year.

Best Screenplay

Nominees: Todd Field – Tár, Daniel Kwan & Daniel Scheinert – Everything Everywhere All At Once, Martin McDonagh – The Banshees of Inisherin, Sarah Polley – Women Talking, Steven Spielberg & Tony Kushner – The Fabelmans

banshees of inisherinIf The Fabelmans is going to win anything it could be this category, because it’s Spielberg and it’s an autobiography and people usually lap that up.

However, I think this is going to go to Martin McDonagh. The writing for Banshees was really touching and very clever in the way it worked as an analogy for the Irish civil war. Also, it’s very, Irish! Which shouldn’t mean anything but Belfast just won last year so they might have a thing for it.

Best Original Song

Nominees: Carolina – Where the Crawdads Sing, Ciao Papa – Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio, Hold MY Hand – Top Gun: Maverick, Lift Me Up – Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Naatu Naatu – RRR

Lift me up rihannaThis category gets less and less interesting every year. All of these songs are fine but nothing really stands out to me as an iconic track. I think Taylor Swift’s fans will get very excited if she wins it for Carolina but the song that I think has had the biggest cultural impact (which I think is what makes a good movie song) is Lift Me Up. People were very excited for Rihanna to be releasing music again and captured people’s attention, especially as it was the theme for a much-anticipated movie.

Best Animated Feature

Nominees: Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio, Inu-Oh, Marcel the Shell with Shoes On, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, Turning Red

GDT PinocchioIt should be surprising to see only one Disney movie here, but seeing as Lightyear and Strange World absolutely tanked it really isn’t. I haven’t even seen Strange World yet and I’m usually first in line for Disney.

I can see Turning Red taking it because it was a good movie and it’s Pixar. But the movie that I think could and should edge it out is Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio. Though it was dark and a little depressing, it was an interesting new and artistic take on an existing story that didn’t just rehash what we’d seen before (like Disney’s lame Pinocchio remake that also came out this year). The stop motion is also gorgeous and deserves recognition as an art style that really blended well with Del Toro’s aesthetic.


the crown season 5I’m not going to predict all the TV categories, because there are a lot, but I anticipate a lot of wins for The Crown because the globes LOVE that show. I hope to see Abbott Elementary win best comedy series and Quinta Brunson win best actress in a comedy. I want to see Jennifer Coolidge win supporting actress in a limited series.

Sheryl Lee Ralph AbbottThe one category I’m nervous about is supporting actress in a series. Elizabeth Debicki was amazing as Diana in The Crown, and I think she’s most likely to win. However, Sheryl Lee Ralph is so good in Abbott Elementary that it makes me really wish they separated this category into drama and comedy because they both deserve it.

So those are my thoughts on this year’s batch of Golden Globe Nominees. I’m excited for awards season to kick off again and to see how things shake up. I’m pretty confident with my predictions but no doubt they’ll throw some curveballs my way as usual. I guess we’ll see on the 11th how I did.